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3 Watchers6 Deviations
    "It's cold." Aglaeca sighed checking her pocket watch "It's almost tea time. Are you ready for tea mama?"
   Aglaeca pulled a table from behind a fallen piece of wood and set up in front of a vase. She sat the vase on top of the table and put a tea cup in front it. She sat down on an empty crate and sipped on the empty tea cup she had grabbed for herself. Her mother had died seven years ago and the only thing she has left of her is this vase full of ashes. Every day, among all of the bodies and debris, she would wait until tea time and speak to her mother. It gave her a little piece of sanity in this world she called home.
    The bell tower chimed loudly reminding her that she was still in a destroyed world ruled by hypocritical and sadistic androids. She grabbed the vase and ran towards her old house. She hid behind the door glancing out at the street. She held her hand over her mouth and tried to remain calm. A shadow appeared from behind the door and she slid down its frame laying flat on the ground. She kept thinking to herself, don't get caught. The shadow grew larger and larger as it closed in on the door. The knob twisted and she braced herself for her death.
    She looked up to see a happy eyed smiling dog looking down at her. She laughed and patted its head. She thought that it had been one of the androids coming for a routine check. The dog hopped on her licking her face. She pulled it in and closed the door. She could smell blood. The androids were coming. She looked at the dog and noticed a collar. The name on the collar said "Creole".
    "Where is that dog?" a voice said "If the commander finds out we lost the Princess' dog we'll be in deep trouble. Is he in this house?"
   "Woof!" Creole said barking at the door. Aglaeca grabbed its snout and pulled it into the kitchen. She can't stay at the house anymore. She kicked down the back door pulling the dog along. She raced outside into the woods. She could hear the androids close behind her. This time they weren't talking about the dog, they were debating on how to kill her. She turned heading toward the castle. If she could get to the castle, she would be able to hide in one of the underground rooms.
    "Not so fast!" one of the androids said grabbing her leg "Don't think that you'll get away from us."
   "Ha ha!" the other said "She's a rare discovery. All of the Salerians that were recorded on the census were killed. Was this one not recorded? That's unusual. I guess we'll just have to kill her."
   "No!" she screamed "Please stop!"
   "God you always get carried away." He laughed "let her go Bronze. You know we're only here for the dog and you know that if we find one we're supposed to report it to the King. Chain her."
    Ceole bit his hand and Aglaeca fell to the ground. She ran through the streets of Saleria with the dog close behind her. She stopped in front of a coffee shop that she remembered dearly.  She pushed through the door and yelled out her mother's name. No answer. What was she expecting? Did she expect her mother to be smiling at the counter waiting for her? She sat down at one of the chairs and stared over at the kitchen.
    Before the war she would come to this shop to see her mother while she was working. Her mother would come out with a steaming hot cup of coffee waiting for her. Tears streamed down her face. Thinking of memories like that always made her tear up. She wished she could see her mother one last time. At least before she dies. Creole, sensing her feelings, rubbed his face against her leg. She looked down at him and stood up. She remembered something that she had forgotten seven years ago. She promised her mother that she would seek revenge on the Xes for her death. She promised she would never cry again and that she wouldn't hide from anyone.
    She stepped out of the shop and the two androids were waiting for her.
    "Finally ready to go are we?"
    "I promised mama that I wouldn't die like this." She said "I refuse to be taken to your king and I refuse to be killed. I will get revenge on you androids."
    "Eager?" Bronze laughed "That's a direct threat to the king. Now I can kill you."
   Her hair began to glow and her eyes turned into a bloody red. She pulled two guns out of her chest and fired them at him as he ran towards her. The bullets tore through his body setting him aback. He chuckled and pointed his sword at her.
    "I'm an android." He said "Hitting me where my heart would be is just stupid. You'll have to be smarter than that."
    She fired another bullet at his chest before jumping over him. He grabbed her hair and threw her into the shop's wall. She coughed, but didn't flinch. She didn't have a scratch on her. He growled and swung his sword like mad. The other android watched, not wanting to get into a meaningless battle. She loaded a different bullet into the gun's chamber and grabbed Creole.
    "Hold on tight Creole!" she said "This one's going to blow them both away. Bullet #2 Moon's ray! This bullet is for you mama."
    She fired her guns and a blast of light burst from it destroying everything in its path. Creole whimpered in fright but Aglaeca held on to him. She landed on the second bridge. The second bridge is the only bridge into android territory. She looked back at her home. All she could see was the burnt ground after the bullet she just fired. She didn't want to leave, but after that blast, she can't stay. She tied her mother's ashes around her waist and put Creole down. She tried to walk, but she didn't have the strength.
    A light shined and Creole turned into a man. She looked up at him shocked. She was about to say something when she fell to the ground. He propped her up on his back and began to cross the bridge.
    "Well." He said "I didn't expect there to be anymore Salerians. I guess I'll stay with this one for now. I want to see more of that power she possesses."

    "Wake up Salerian." A voice boomed inside her ear "Do not sleep in front of me."
    Aglaeca opened her eyes. She looked up to see a man, dressed in gold, looking down at her. She stood up immediately and ran towards the room's door. Two guards blocked her path with their staffs. She turned back around at the sound of a snap and the guards pulled her back over to the man with her head bowed. The man clapped and they let her go. Creole stood beside her and held his hand up in a salute.
    "Are you the king?" she said finally catching on "How did I get here? The last place I was-"
    "Nice job Creole." He interrupted "I'm very proud of you. Capturing a Salerian should've been an easy job for those two idiots."
    "Yes sir." Creole said "She is the daughter of a high ranked Salerian officer. Underestimating her results in death."
   "Creole?" she said "Oh yeah, you did turn into a man. Why would you bring me here?"
    "Silence!" he said "Look and pay attention to me girl. Are you truly a Salerian? Answer me quickly and truthfully. Lie and I'll kill you."
    "I…" she said "Why would a king care? Haven't you already wiped out the entire race?"
    "Are you or are you not?"
   "I...Am a Salerian." She said nervously "So what are you going to do now?! Kill me?"
   "Prove it."  He said "Show me the power of a true Salerian."
    She didn't know what would happen if she did, but at this point she didn't care. Her hair began to glow and her eyes once again turned red. She pulled out her guns and fired at bullet at him. His guards jumped to protect him but the king caught the bullet between his fingers. He flicked it back over to her and she caught it between her teeth. She spit it out and fired at him again. He caught it and this time he sent it flying towards her leg. She dodged it and hid behind Creole.
    "If you could do that," she said "you aren't an android either. Creole, I don't like this guy."
    "Same thing I was about to say." The king said "This power doesn't belong to a Salerian. What are you really?"
    "I told you!"
    "Creole, this will be Nero's new partner." He smiled "I think she'll make a fine Fig. Don't you agree?"
    "Woof!" Creole said turning back into a dog "Woof!"
    "Fig?" she said "What is a Fig?"
    "A Fig is like a soldier's sword and servant." He said "A Fig's job is to work beside its owner to protect this kingdom."
    "I refuse!" she said "Why would I be a Fig to someone who's trying to protect the very country I hate?!"
    "You WILL do as I command you to." He said "I wouldn't argue if I was in your place. I would silently agree and do as I'm told."
    She was going to argue back but she realized that he was right. He can stop her bullets with just two fingers. Fighting him would only lead to her death. She sunk down to her knees and agreed to serve him. He smiled and gestured for his servants to come to him. He whispered something to him and they led her out of the room to a bath house. She looked for Creole, but he wasn't with her. She felt ashamed. She had promised to get revenge on this country but instead she would be protecting it.
    "Smile big pretty girl!" one of the servants said trying to cheer her up "You'll make a great soldier. Someday you'll even make a fine wife."
    "Don't touch me." She said knocking a bucket of water out of the woman's hands "I don't want an android to touch me. I can wash myself."
    "No." the servant continued "The king's orders are absolute. I will wash you until you're squeaky clean. After you wash, I'll find you a uniform that'll fit. But, gosh that might be hard. You're really slim and you look 4'3."
    "I'm 4'7!" Aglaeca argued "I'm not that slim. Or at least I wouldn't be if I had eaten last month."
    "You haven't eaten in a month?!" the servant wailed "How awful! I'll have to feed you something to fatten you up. Not only that, but maybe to make you grow a little. You're slim, but, you still don't have a very good body."
    "You stupid servant!" she said "I'm tired of your nice nasty comments. I'm going to find Creole."
    "No you won't." the servant smiled "You can't walk around without proper identification. Master Nero won't be here to register you until later so you'll just have to stay with me."
    "Identification?" she said "I don't need it!"
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6 min read
Pilot Chapter
    Don pushed the covers off of his face and let out a huge sigh. He hated getting up for school. He knew that he had a test today and that if he was late, he might miss it. He rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but his mother came crashing through the door yelling at him in anguish. What could she want now, he thought, can't I sleep for once?
    "Don!" she boomed "Don't you see the clock? Why are you still in bed?! Home many times have I told you to get up early for school?"
    Blah, blah, blah, blah. This again?
    "Are you listening?" she said "Look, you don't have to go today anyway. I need you to stay home to work the shop. With that being said GET UP!"
    She pulled his sheets away and dragged them down the hall behind her. He groaned and sat up. The sun was shining into his room almost blinding him as he rummaged though his closet. He found his black hoodie and a pair of dark blue jeans that were ripped below his knees. He shrugged and put it on. Why me? His mother gave him another warning knock before he hurried down the stairs.
    The little town home was falling apart, barely standing. Don pushed past his mother and stood behind the counter. Business was slow as usual, but the air felt different. The air felt like something was picking away at him trying to get his attention. He turned around, but nothing was behind him. Weird. He looked at the shop's sign in and noticed that no one had signed it. He was sure his mother was at the shop yesterday and the day before. Maybe she forgot? He picked it up and was about to take it to her when the shop's TV suddenly jumped on.
    "The infection has spread to our own backyards! The military is…is…requesting…immediate…out…city!"
    "Infection?"  He said "Mom! Have you heard of-"
    "Of course I have sweetie." She said biting his arm "It's all around you. You should give into it before you get hurt!"
   "What?" he said holding his arm "Mom! What's going on? What infection? Why did you bite part of my arm?!"
    "Honey," she smiled "Even those of who are infected have to eat. Right now, You're the most delectable thing! You'll be my main course!"
    "What the hell is this stupid infection?!" he said dodging her.
    He tried to lure her into her room but this idea was thrown out immediately. She punched the wall making part of it fall in front of him. He barricaded himself in his room and tried to gather his thoughts.  The TV, the book, his mother, everything seemed surreal. How could this all happen so fast? What is the infection? These questions raced through his head as he tried to calm himself.  
    "Come on, son!" she said playfully "I just want to have a nice family dinner and you're making me angry!"
    Her hand tore through the door. She grabbed the knob and tried to open the door. Din  looked around for a place to escape. He saw his window ajar and began to climb out. His mother called to him begging him to open the door. He stopped at the sound of her voice. Mom… He turned and jumped out. He didn't want to leave her, but he didn't want to be eaten either. He landed herd on the ground but he didn't pay it any mind. He had to get to a hospital before he bleeds to death.
    "That was a nice thought son." She said grabbing his hair "But not smart enough. You have to think better. You see, this infection has given me new powers. If you ask me, it should e called a blessing!"
   Her tongue wrapped around his stomach and threw him into a tree. He lifted himself up but she jammed her foot into his mouth. "Oh, no you don't Don! Mama isn't done cooking her meal yet." Shit! My arm won't take much more of this! He kicked her in her stomach sending her flying into the house's wall. As she got up he made a run for it. She ran behind him scowling at the thought of him trying to run. She chuckled and, again, grabbed him with her tongue.
    "What a bad child you've been!"  She said "How about I end your miserable life? Would you like that mama's baby?"
    "Mom Please!" he said "Come on, remember all the good times we've had? I'm your son for Pete's sake! Mom, remember!"
    "You are my son. My Son Stew!" she said pouncing at him "Now die!"
    "I thought all of the civilians were evacuated?" a man said holding a gun above Don's head "Why is this kid here?"
    "I don't know sir." Another man said from behind him  "I notified all the schools and news channels. Even the radio stations were notified. Could he have missed all of that?"
    "It seems obvious." The man said shooting his mother again "This I-Kolli is strong. She must have consumed a lot of the water."
   "Stop shooting my mom!" Don said "Who are-"
    "Armed forces head commander Lux." He  said swiftly "If you don't want to die you'll stay out of the way and not give the person who's saving your life orders."
    "No!" Don said "That's my mom!"
    "Well now she's an empty corpse." He said shooting her a final time "You can show your affection to that. Bryce!"
    "Yes sir!" the other man said
    "Get this kid aboard the airship." He commanded "Don't take forever either. We have work to finish up."
    "You bastard!" Don yelled "That was my mom! I would've died instead of her! I'll kill you! I'll-"
    "Be quiet!" Bryce said pulling him along "I'm not getting punished because of you. He's doing you a favor! Get in the ship."
    Don looked out of the airship's window. Everything he knew and loved looked different. People were in the streets eating each other. Children being devoured by their parents and parents eating their children. How did this happen so fast? He leaned back and closed his eyes. He hoped that this was just a dream and that when he opens them he will wake up to his mother nagging him as usual.
    "Don't fall asleep." Bryce said.
Nope. Not a dream.
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Saleria: A lost kingdom (part 1) by SJonesNguyen, journal

I-Kolli by SJonesNguyen, journal